Simple Mindfulness Practices to help soothe stress and overwhelm


Mindful Wake-Up

When you wake up in the morning, take a few moments either lying down, or sitting up, to feel your breath moving in and out of your chest and belly. Perhaps feeling gratitude for the breath on this day, sit with the breath for a bit. Allow yourself this time to anchor into your breath before beginning the day’s activities. A steady breath calms the nervous system and provides oxygen to the brain.

Mindful Eating

Pause before beginning a meal and bring your attention to your body, breath, and the food. Notice the smell, taste, and texture of the food and continue to breathe deeply as you eat. This will help you digest and absorb your food better, eat closer to the ideal amount for your body, and most likely help you savour your meal.

Spend Time In Nature

Studies show that within five minutes of being outside, the heart rate slows down, muscles start to relax, and the brain becomes calmer. Exposing yourself to sunlight and being outdoors also helps develop a healthy sleep cycle. Sitting in a backyard, spending time among trees, being by water, or going for a walk are excellent ways to ease into the present moment.


Throughout the day, pause your activities to connect with your breath. Without judgment, notice how shallow or deep the breath is, and then take in 5 deep conscious breaths, and notice how this makes you feel.

Minimize Multi-Tasking

Doing multiple things at the same time can be challenging, highly exhausting, and increases stress levels. Try doing one task at a time and absorb yourself fully in it.

Turn your phone or alarms to silent for a period of time to allow yourself to focus on one thing without interruption. When checking emails, just check emails, when eating, just eat.

Remember Self-Care

All of the above are forms of self-care. This is a way to direct kindness and love to oneself.

Studies show self-care relaxes the mind and body. Below are some more examples, however, take time to be creative and find activities that nourish YOU.

  • Listen to your favourite music.

  • Take a warm bath and rest your body in it.

  • Turn off your cell phone and be fully present with a loved one or with yourself.

  • Prepare and enjoy a healthy and delicious meal with a friend or loved one(s).

  • Order healthy take-out.

  • Play a musical instrument, sing or dance.

  • Drink a cup of herbal tea and watch the birds.

  • Massage your feet with lotion, or essential oils.

  • Make an appointment for yourself to receive a massage.

  • Turn off the internet.

  • See if you can feel or sense the magic that being alive is.

    In kindness,
    Nina Menrai